Thursday, December 10, 2015

Mission Impossible: The perfect Christmas picture with Jade

Taking pictures of kids is soooo hard. Taking pictures of three young kids together is darn near impossible if you want them all still, smiling, and looking at the camera. Still, I try. Over the years, I have managed to get some really cute Christmas picture of my kids, if I do say so myself. In 2008, I got this cute shot with my one and three year old. Isn't Preston's suit the cutest thing ever? I've spent the last three years trying to find another one just like it. In 2009, I managed to get this little bit of adorableness, even with a six week old baby: In 2010, it was a nightmare, but ultimately I trapped Jade (my little runner) by setting them up on the server where she couldn't get away, and managed to get a decent picture: This year I was hoping it would be easier. When Preston was Jade's age (in the 2009 picture), not only did he cooperate reasonably well, he also held the new baby up for the picture as well! Surely, if he could do that, Jade could sit and smile for a fraction of a second, right? Wrong. Here are some outtakes: She played with her shoes. DSC_0088 She blinked (wait, is she rolling her eyes? Probably). DSC_0094 She did this. A lot. DSC_0084 Here's one that's kind of cute, at least Skyla and Preston are smiling at the camera while Jade looks tenderly at her brother. DSC_0076 Oh, wait, not what was happening. DSC_0077 She stuck out her tongue and spit raspberries. DSC_0099 She yawned. DSC_0087 She looked bored. DSC_0079 She ran off (with the stool she was sitting on) leaving her brother and sister still leaning over where she was supposed to be. (They were quite the troopers, I have to give them credit.) DSC_0102 She took her headband out. DSC_0101 She took her sister's bow out (look at Skyla's face :)). DSC_0089 Is it possible I got one? Jade looks a bit goofy and the shadow from the flash is pretty bad, but we might have to call it good enough....except, does it look like she's flipping me off? Yes, yes it does. CSC_0115 Suddenly, I realize that the very first picture I took and hated at the time for the terrible photography (and the fact that you can see Preston's white socks), is starting to look like a perfectly good picture... DSC_0069